About empirikon

empirikon are Maja Novak and partners. For more than ten years we have worked as trainers, consultants, lecturers and authors in corporate culture, business ethics, cultural sciences, religious sciences and pedagogies.

empirikon stands for a new form of training concepts, aimed to break open traditional knowledge structures and limitations. It is designed to enable participants to make connections between their knowledge and experience more easily. For a more detailed description see Philosophy.


For Businesses:

Programs for Training and Education
we provide new thinking models for new business models (program WIEV).
Available as seminar or as Blended Learning Process (will be available shortly with our new partner Com/On/Four).

Education Management
we develop, implement and evaluate competences and tools for educational processes and educational controlling

Quality in Education
we conceptualize, implement and evaluate measures to ensure and improve the quality of educational systems

For Individuals and Businesses

we create and conduct seminars, lectures and workshops on topics, such as:

Religious Sciences
- history, theology, ethics and meaning of religions and religious psychology -

Cultural History
- history, philosophy, arts, literature, music and sciences -

Social Sciences
- manipulation, conflict management, communication, transactional analysis, aggression and gender roles -

Other activities

Cultural Management, Urban Planning
Cooperation on the design of a model for modern urban culture in the area of Goethestrasse/Paul-Heyse-Strasse, Munich, to foster intercultural integration:
• planning seminars and events

Co-founded and cooperated on the SynCultura project, aimed to remove governmental, social and cultural barriers, in particular between Islamic minorities and Europeans.
• training and education for teachers and educators
• training and education through media


Individual coaching is available for all areas of training and personal development.

For further information on empirikon please see:


